Solo exhibition

Renascimento Street

  • Onun Trigueiros

11 November - 30 December 2022

Rua Fernando Palha, Armazém 56 – Lisbon, Portugal

In Renascimento Street - Onun Trigueiros' first solo show at Underdogs Capsule - we find the expression of an exploratory proposition that synthesises three processual moments in the exercise the artist has been conducting around Portuguese tile work. An exercise that is based on an act of actualisation and personalisation - of the language, the subject matter, the technique - of a medium with long presence and prominence in Portuguese culture. An exercise, in all, of renaissance, which, instead of portraying historical feats and characters, launches a gaze at and captures moments of the quotidian that surrounds the artist - chiefly in the street, in the Sintra Line, on the outskirts of Lisbon.

Press Release